Thursday, April 2, 2015

The Outsiders: Movie vs. Novel

                     While I was watching The Outsiders, I had a tendency of comparing it to the original novel that I read in high school. There were a few differences, but most of the story line was pretty much the same. Overall, both the movie and the book teaches individuals valuable moral lessons.
            The book is more of a coming-of-age novel, while the movie focuses on the characters’ loss of innocence. In both the film and the novel Ponyboy is narrating the story, but the film only briefly glosses over the characters’ relationships. For example, Darryl and Soda Pop are minor characters in the movie where the audience is given very little insight into their lives. This is also the case for the other characters—with the exception of Ponyboy. Dally’s death, for example, loses a lot of its impact because the movie doesn't give the audience much of a chance to get to know him. Johnny’s character has a great impact on the movie, but the book gives the audience a greater chance to know him as well. While on his death bed in the movie, Johnny’s appreciation for life is hardly noted; in the book, this scene actually has a great impact on Ponyboy. The story line of the movie and novel are the same, but the novel goes much more in depth when introducing characters.
            Although there is less detail, I believe the movie does give the same valuable lessons as the novel. It changes peoples’ perspectives on life and teaches friends and families to cherish and appreciate their loved ones. The Greasers teach the audience that although they are the “outsiders” in their town, they have each other and that’s all that matters. They each have brother-like bonds, which causes them to always have each other’s backs. Darryl, Soda Pop, and Ponyboy, specifically, teach the audience that hardships are not impossible to overcome. The brothers lost their parents at a young age, but Darryl found a way to overcome that struggle and take care of his two brothers. All of the gang teaches us, most importantly, to not take the time we have with our loved ones for granted. Johnny and Dally both died at a young age, which reminds us that life is short. We learn that some battles just aren't worth fighting for; instead, we should appreciate our time with friends and family.
            I think the movie night definitely enhanced my views on the movie. By watching it with others and discussing our thoughts, I had the chance to see the different perspectives that others had. I also enjoyed hearing the different lessons that people learned from the movie. Overall, the movie night was a great experience.

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