Joel Casillas
Movie Night
Blake Rodger
Movie night experience
So for the whole movie night experience, to me I think it was a great idea. Who doesn’t love watching a movie as an assignment? At first I was skeptical about how the whole thing was going to work out, but thankfully I got a great group that was very hands on and helpful. Like other groups, we had problems with working out our schedules to get together and watch the movie, and also the fact that I live in Salinas and some of my group members live on campus. So driving over to watch the movie, then driving back didn’t seem efficient.
Once we got our things straightened out, we met to watch the movie in the library, but we only got to watch about 20 min of it, because the room where we were watching it was reserved by other students, so we had to leave. That left us with one option, we all had to watch the movies on our own time. Everyone had watched the movie leading up to Thursday except for me. For the last 4 days, I have been sick with pneumonia, so that set me back quite a bit in the process. Luckily, my group members steeped in and really helped out they pretty much did my part of the work that I didn’t do since I was sick. Now that’s what I call teamwork.
Overall the experience was great and I enjoyed watching a movie for homework instead of doing g paperwork or reading. It was great talking to my group members about the movie and seeing what they thought about it. To be honest, I’m not much of a Disney movie lover, but I actually enjoyed this movie, maybe because when watching it I was looking for conflicts between the characters and seeing how their characters change was great. I actually paid attention to the movie and it ended up being a very positive experience.
Glad to see positive teamwork collaboration, helping out a fellow mate when sick, and you enjoying and learning more about the movie and its conflict elements.