Thursday, April 2, 2015

Movie Night Experience

Daniel Livingston
Movie Night
Blake Rodger

Movie Night Experience

            After much consideration as to what movie we wanted to do as a group, we came to the decision that the movie we would watch would be The Lion King. Not only was this movie perfect in context of what we are learning in class, it is also a classic. Everyone (besides one person) said they've seen the movie, so that tells you how much of a classic it is. 

             The location of where we wanted to hold the movie night was our first obstacle. We couldn't line up our schedules perfectly and it seemed like nothing was working out, but then we realized that we all go t Cesar Chavez day off on Tuesday, so that made it work out nice for everyone involved. So we decided that we would all meet up in the Tortuga Hall lobby to watch the movie. The Tortuga Hall worked out because two of us already live there, and the lobby has a lot couches, creating a perfect spot to watch a movie such as Lion King.

            Once we were finally ready to sit down, relax, and enjoy the movie, we came upon some technical difficulties due to the fact that we couldn't connect our laptop to the TV. We needed an HDMI cable, and unfortunately no one had one. So we had to resort to asking one of the RA's, who so graciously bestowed their cable to us, and saving our movie night. So after that close tragedy, we were finally ready to watch it! And we did. And it was amazing. It was just how I remembered it as a child. 

            The Lion King was really a perfect movie to watch for this project, it illustrated all of the interpersonal conflicts that we have learned about, and so us, as a group, were able to further discuss them and make a really good presentation about it. So I would say that overall, this movie night project was a success and that my group did really well in preparing and executing everything that needed to be done.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you were able to overcome the initial challenges of scheduling and HDMI cable to watch an enjoyable movie from childhood and apply interpersonal conflicts to it :)
