Thursday, April 16, 2015

Got Beef ?

Joel Casillas
HCOM 214
Blake Rodger
                                                          Got Beef?
      In this blog entry, I’m going to discuss conflict that takes place at work. Conflict is a part of life, and it’s everywhere, but at work, it should be handled differently. Conflicts can arise for many reasons, whether it is relationship problems or having different views on a certain topic.
      I work at Little Caesars pizza, and I’ve never had any problems with my coworkers, but I think that’s due to the fact that I’m more of a passive person, I’m always trying to avoid conflict, but I’ve witnessed others have conflict. Usually it’s the women who are having the problems at work, they’ll be talking about each other behind their backs, and then when they find out they began yelling at each other. They got on each others nerves and they just break. I think a reason why there’s so much conflict at work is due to the environment.  At Little Caesars, it’s a hot place. We have two ovens that cook the pizzas and there always on and hot, and there really big, and to make it worse, we don’t have air conditioning. So imagine coming into building that’s like 80 degrees, and you go and work for like 4-5 hours with people that are telling you what to do. I’m amazed that I haven’t snapped, but it’s the perfect environment for conflict to arise.
      Sometimes there are conflicts in-between others because there just being assholes to other coworkers. There was this one dude who use to work at my job, and when new people would begin working, he would introduce himself, but he’d do it in an odd way. He would try to scare the person and put fear in them. He wanted to make himself seem bad-ass and cool. To sum it up, he was an ass. So he had emotions at stake, and I believe some of those emotions where confidence, and self-esteem.  He eventually got into a heated argument with one of our assistant managers, and he ended up quitting. So that’s how that conflicted ended. My brother actually had a romantic type conflict last week. He had been flirting with a coworker of ours, and her ex didn’t like that. My brother ended up not dating her, but he was still mad. So last week, me and my brother got out of work, and outside her ex was waiting outside to fight my brother. They ended up not fighting, because they both didn’t really want to fight, they I guess felt pressured by our friends to fight. I guess you could say there man hood was at risk, so they felt like they needed to fight.
     So as you can see, there are different types of conflict that can arise at work, for different reasons. It all depends on the individuals that are involved in the conflict. They may get resolved, or they might not, but conflict is necessary in life, everyone does it. 


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  3. Thanks for sharing your "hot" workplace conflicts at Little Caesars.

  4. Thanks for sharing your "hot" workplace conflicts at Little Caesars.
