Wednesday, April 29, 2015

He wasn't too Beastly...

It just so happens that I watched the movie Beastly today. So basically, this movie is a modern day version of Beauty and the Beast. It starts with this boy (Kyle) in high school who only cares about people's appearances. He believes he is popular and believes everyone likes him, but in reality this is false. He decides to run for class president and shows off his arrogant and cocky attitude. The school "witch" named Kendra, gets aggravated with his continuous comments of putting down "ugly" people, and his bullying behaviors. In response to this, she casts a spell to make him as ugly on the outside, as he is on the inside. The only way for him to reverse the hideous effects of the spell is to find true love.
The conflict in this movie is between Kyle and Kendra. Kyle, I would say, has more power in the beginning of the movie. Kyle is this popular child who gets all the attention from everyone. He is well known and everyone wants to be his friend in hopes of getting their high school status promoted. Kyle is constantly making fun of Kendra for being this emo looking witch, therefore has more power. He also has more power within the school setting in the sense that Kyle has control over the student population. Kendra is basically the typical loner and is, in a way, powerless.

However, as soon as Kyle makes a wrong move towards Kendra, she turns the table around on him and curses him. I personally don't think he looks too horrible to be honest...but from this point on in the movie, Kendra has more power over him and is superior. She has Kyle begging to reverse the effects of the spell as she laughs as he suffers from looking at his own reflection. Kyle now has no choice but to go on the mission to try to find true love to break the curse. He slowly learns to better himself throughout the course of the movie and finally found his true love.

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