Friday, May 8, 2015

My History with Violence

Luckily for me, growing up I never had to deal with much violence in my life other than the usual sibling fights with my brothers. I guess other than that the only violence In my house was verbal violence. My family is also the type to get everything out in the open and not hold back. This meant a lot of arguments that included screaming and name calling  throughout the years. Although my family argued and a lot we always new that the person being verbally violent was just upset and would calm down eventually. As a result we would just let them lash out and wait for them to relax so they can realize how dumb they were acting. Although most people may see verbal abuse as a negative thing, I truly believe this benefited me in the long run.
    Growing up with a lot of verbal violence worked out because now I’m pretty much immune to it. When ever I get into confrontations and the other person Is going ballistic and calling me names and what not, I let them get everything out of their system and do not take it personal. I’ve also seen the other side as well, with people who have not been exposed to verbal violence. My wife is a perfect example because she grew up in a family where there was not much verbal conflict. Whenever we get into arguments and I get extremely upset and start raising my voice she thinks the world is about to end. On the other I hand I am aware that me raising my voice is probably not the best thing to do but I understand that I’ll eventually get over it and it will not be a big deal. This skill is a valuable one to have and I owe it all to the environment I was brought up in. Thanks to my history with violence I will never see verbal violence as anything more than someone letting out a little anger, I mean c’mon words never killed anyone.

1 comment:

  1. I know where you're coming from when you say growing up with siblings helped. I used to get in fights with my brothers alllll the time when I was younger, and I think they helped me out in the long-run. With the being exposed to me at an early age in small doses, it allows for us to be more tolerable of it right now. So if you're saying that all of this is good in moderation, then I would agree.
