Thursday, May 14, 2015

Emotions in Conflict

Emotions in Conflict
            The emotions that are the most common for me when I experience conflict are anger, but I typically get so angry that I get emotional and begin to cry, I either feel anger in conflict, stay calm and professional or I detached myself from the situation and from feelings toward the conflict. The different situations that I experience conflict in are, conflict in family, conflict at work, conflict in the classroom and conflict with friends.
            Conflict in family, everyone has conflict with there family, but everyone’s family deals with conflict differently, some families yell it out, while others talk it out, and some families may even just ignore each other. My family I would like to think deals with conflict in a fairly reasonably. My emotions toward conflict in family are usually all over the place, I tend to get angry or upset.
Conflict in work, I work as a nanny for a family that has a couple other nanny’s as well. There is “workplace drama” within the nanny’s, when it comes to scheduling, and the kids. My emotion or way of dealing with conflict at work is I am very calm in these situations and I try to resolve the situation to the best of my ability, I try my best to be professional and take a very unbiased approach.
Conflict in the classroom, I experience conflict in the classroom when it comes to classmates as well as sometimes with teachers. I have had experiences with teachers that do not look to help the students. Like with my work, I deal with conflict in the classroom very professionally, in the classroom I am goal-oriented, and by that I mean I am looking to do the best I can in that class and when dealing with conflict that could interfere with that I try to stay professional.

Conflict with friends is a big one since it is my first year of college and the friends you make in college sort of act as family since your family is not around. My emotions in conflict with friends are when I typically detach myself from the situation. I push it off and wait for the other people to calm down and see the situation with a more clear and level-headed view.
After reflecting on my personal emotions in conflict and thinking of different setting and situations in which I have experienced conflict, I would like to say that I am a very calm and level headed person in conflict. I try to be unbiased and see everyone who is involved in the conflict situations point of view. 

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