I cross referenced my story of how I ended up here with my boyfriend who has a much more fascinating and recent story. His grandmother and grandfather feld Chinese communism and tried to come to America, but at the time America was not allowing Chinese immigrants to come into the country, so they settled in Mexico instead. My boyfriends father and his two brothers, 100% chinese, grew up speaking Spanish in Mexico and only being able to come to America when he was in his early teens. He had to learn English, but was able to get into UC Berkeley and go to Medical School and become a primary care physician.
His story is so much more "American" to me. His family has faced the struggle and strife of "coming to America," but I also do not see that belittling my families journey either. My family struggled too, worked in factories in New York City for years until they were able to move not speaking English, and getting taken advantage of. Working 18 hours a day and making hardly a dollar a day which was taken away by landlords immediately where they lived and shared a room with 20 other people. But I feel as if the struggle of my people gets lost in the shuffle of the struggle of people who aren't European immigrants such as African Americans, or Chinese, or Mexicans. I think it's important to remember that none of us were born Americans and we all immigrated from somewhere, no matter how many generations ago, none of us has anymore claim to being American than any other American. It is also something that I think gets lost on other white people too who seem to think they have some born right to be better than other immigrants to this country which they don't, and I think they choose to forget that they may have been born here but they didn't come from here. Both sides serve to eliminate any reference to the fact that white people didn't originate here, and it's strange to me I think because all of this is just information we make up and sell to the world, but none of it's true, we're all the same and we need to stop arguing about who struggled more or who deserves what or who's better than who.
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